Imagine a web – many strands reaching and connecting, running first one way and then another, separately gossamer, collectively strong.

Now picture the church as a congregation of connections with strands interlacing us through worship, activities, events, conversation, and listening.


There are a variety of opportunities to gather together. Check our calendar.
Some of our gatherings use our Zoom link which can also be found under the Welcome tab. More details can be found on the left menu.

  • Coffee Hour after service in Celebration Hall
  • Potluck Lunch after service on the 1st Sunday in Celebration Hall
  • Game Night, weekly Saturday on Zoom
  • Ladies Lunch, monthly on the 4th Tuesday on Zoom
  • The Listening Room, monthly during the season

Weekly Newsletter: The UU View

Our weekly e-mail update comes out on Wednesdays, featuring information about Fellowship and other events for the upcoming week. Click on the image to sign-up.

Caring Community

Together we are a web that supports and stretches, contains and cares for the members and friends that find a home here as well as the folks we encounter in the wider community.