Dr. Takiyah Nur Amin said in the Unitarian Universalist Association 2021 Side with Love Sunday Service. “Love Means thinking about how we enact policies that make lives better. If we are talking about racial justice Love is acknowledging that there has been wrong, that there has been harm, and that whether you participated in it or not, you are benefiting from the inequitable results of that harm.” 

In this spirit, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Franklin gave thought to the music that they chose to use during the weekly Sunday Services here locally. Recognizing that there was a rich history of spiritual music created by persons of color that had not received fair and equitable recognition and/or compensation dating back to the turn of the century.

Donations to AUUMM

In the spirit of Maya Angelou’s counsel “When you know better, you do better.” The fellowship committed to keeping an accounting of all of the music used during the year that could be classified in the broad category of “Negro Spiritualists” and has made a special donation to The Overdue Promise Fund for the Association for UU Music Ministries (AUUMM) on behalf of those musicians. That commitment will continue as the Fellowship makes a conscious choice to Side with Love in its many forms for Social Justice concerns throughout the year.