Justice Overview
Green Sanctuary
Our Fellowship is committed to being a Green Sanctuary and living as a congregation and individually as environmentally responsibly as possible. We were an early adopter of this process and were originally certified in 2003. In 2022, we renewed our commitments when we passed our current Green Declaration.
Side with Love
The UUFF chooses to Side with Love. Side With Love is an interfaith public advocacy campaign promoting respect for the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Side with Love confronts issues of exclusion, oppression, and violence based on identity.
With the goal of creating beloved community, the campaign pursues social change through advocacy, public witness, and speaking out in solidarity with those whose lives are publicly demeaned. 30 Days of Love is the annual month of spiritual nourishment, political grounding, and shared practices of faith and justice between Martin Luther King Day and Valentine’s Day.
Negro Spirituals
Our Fellowship has chosen to express our commitment to anti-opression by donating to AUUMM in honor of the gift of Negro Spirituals.
Service Project
UUFF sponsors holiday gifts for the students and staff at Union Academy in Franklin. This is an alternative school whose mission is to Provide an education that leads to productive citizenship and lifelong learning. Their code is: RISE — Respect, Integrity, Success, Empathy. Their mission statement is: